
The Green Team is a group of volunteers working under the auspices of the Pennington Conservancy. This team has taken on the responsibility, with the leadership of Mandy van Prooijen, for identifying natural areas in Pennington that have an impact on the Community and are in need of some care and attention.

We have identified the following, but if you know of an area that requires maintenance and management in respect of the natural environment, please let us know by contacting Mandy – 072 380 5997

  • Makamati Stream from Botha Place to Umdoni South and the Makamati Wetland (previously the dam) just off Umdoni Road South;
  • The beach access walkways at Nkomba, Postman’s Gully and Beach Café;
  • The stream (stormwater drainage) running through the municipal owned property at Relton Hall.  The Pennington Recreation Club maintain the stream on their part of the property;
  • Nkomba South Bank;
  • The garden on the corner of Botha Place and Impathle;
  • The small wetland at the end of Impathle and Palm Roads;
  • The natural area between Umdoni Road North and Pennington Drive; and
  • Impithi Dunes (the grounds surrounding the Beach Cafe and down to the sea).  This forms part of the Dune System

In addition to the above, we have agreed to care for and maintain the paved pathway along Pennington Drive.
Whilst not a natural area, it does have an impact on all visitors to and residents of Pennington and perhaps more importantly, affords the Pennington Conservancy with some much-needed exposure!